Source code for geograpy.extraction

import nltk
import re
from newspaper import Article
from geograpy.labels import Labels

[docs]class Extractor(object): ''' Extract geo context for text or from url ''' def __init__(self, text=None, url=None, debug=False): ''' Constructor Args: text(string): the text to analyze url(string): the url to read the text to analyze from debug(boolean): if True show debug information ''' if not text and not url: raise Exception('text or url is required') self.debug=debug self.text = text self.url = url self.places = []
[docs] def set_text(self): ''' Setter for text ''' if not self.text and self.url: a = Article(self.url) a.parse() self.text = a.text
[docs] def split(self,delimiter=r","): ''' simpler regular expression splitter with not entity check hat tip: ''' self.set_text() self.places=re.split(delimiter,self.text)
[docs] def find_geoEntities(self): ''' Find geographic entities Returns: list: List of places ''' self.find_entities(Labels.geo) return self.places
[docs] def find_entities(self,labels=Labels.default): ''' Find entities with the given labels set self.places and returns it Args: labels: Labels: The labels to filter Returns: list: List of places ''' self.set_text() text = nltk.word_tokenize(self.text) nes = nltk.ne_chunk(nltk.pos_tag(text)) for ne in nes: if type(ne) is nltk.tree.Tree: nelabel=ne.label() if (nelabel in labels): leaves=ne.leaves() if self.debug: print(leaves) self.places.append(u' '.join([i[0] for i in leaves])) return self.places