Source code for geograpy

main geograpy 3 module
from geograpy.extraction import Extractor
from geograpy.places import PlaceContext
from geograpy.locator import Locator
from geograpy.labels import Labels

[docs]def get_geoPlace_context(url=None, text=None,debug=False): ''' Get a place context for a given text with information about country, region, city and other based on NLTK Named Entities having the Geographic(GPE) label. Args: url(String): the url to read text from (if any) text(String): the text to analyze debug(boolean): if True show debug information Returns: places: PlaceContext: the place context ''' places=get_place_context(url, text, labels=Labels.geo, debug=debug) return places
[docs]def get_place_context(url=None, text=None,labels=Labels.default, debug=False): ''' Get a place context for a given text with information about country, region, city and other based on NLTK Named Entities in the label set Geographic(GPE), Person(PERSON) and Organization(ORGANIZATION). Args: url(String): the url to read text from (if any) text(String): the text to analyze debug(boolean): if True show debug information Returns: pc: PlaceContext: the place context ''' e = Extractor(url=url, text=text,debug=debug) e.find_entities(labels=labels) pc = PlaceContext(e.places) pc.setAll() return pc
[docs]def locateCity(location,correctMisspelling=False,debug=False): ''' locate the given location string Args: location(string): the description of the location Returns: Locator: the location ''' e = Extractor(text=location,debug=debug) e.split() loc=Locator.getInstance(correctMisspelling=correctMisspelling,debug=debug) city=loc.locateCity(e.places) return city