Source code for geograpy.prefixtree

Created on 2020-09-20

@author: wf
import re

[docs]class PrefixTree(object): ''' prefix analysis and search see for the general data structure this class is more specific and creats ''' def __init__(self): ''' Constructor ''' self.lookup = {'count': 0, 'words': {}}
[docs] def getCount(self): ''' get my total count Returns: int: the total number of entries ''' count = self.lookup['count'] return count
[docs] def getWords(self, name): ''' split the given name into words Args: name(string): the name to split Returns: list: a list of words ''' words = re.split(r"\W+", name) return words
[docs] def add(self, name): ''' add the given name to the prefix Tree Args: name(string): the name to add ''' words = self.getWords(name) prefix = self.lookup prefix['count'] += 1 for word in words: if word: if word in prefix['words']: prefix['count'] += 1 prefix = prefix['words'][word] else: prefix['words'][word] = {'count': 0, 'words': {}}
[docs] def countStartsWith(self, namePrefix): ''' count how many entries start with the given namePrefix Args: namePrefix(string): the prefix to check ''' words = self.getWords(namePrefix) prefix = self.lookup for word in words: if word in prefix['words']: prefix = prefix['words'][word] else: return 0 return len(prefix['words'].values())
[docs] def add2Table(self, prefix, prefixStr, table, level): ''' recursively add prefix tree entries to a table Args: prefix(dict): the dictionary to start with prefixStr(string): the prefix string up to this level table(list): a "flat" list of dicts as a table level(int): the level (length of word sequence) on which to add ''' for word in prefix['words'].keys(): prefixNode = prefix['words'][word] count = prefixNode['count'] if count > 1: table.append( {'level': level, 'prefix': prefixStr+word, 'count': count}) self.add2Table(prefixNode, prefixStr+word+" ", table, level+1)
[docs] def store(self, sqlDB): ''' store my prefix information to the given SQL database Args: sqlDB(SQLDB): the SQL database to use for storing ''' prefixTable = [] self.add2Table(self.lookup, '', prefixTable, 1) entityName = "prefixes" primaryKey = 'prefix' entityInfo = sqlDB.createTable( prefixTable[:100], entityName, primaryKey, withDrop=True), entityInfo, executeMany=False)